Get Involved

Make a difference by supporting HBCU teams and contributing to the HBCU Smart Cities Challenge.

Discover the unique opportunities available to get involved, learn why HBCUs are at the forefront of innovation, and find out how you can support the next generation of smart city leaders.

Supporting HBCU Teams

The HBCU Smart Cities Challenge provides a platform for talented HBCU students to showcase their skills, creativity, and passion for smart city innovation.

By supporting HBCU teams, you can play a vital role in empowering these students to develop solutions that address urban challenges and create positive change in their communities. Explore the various ways you can support HBCU teams:

Thank you to our Sponsors

Why HBCU Cities?

Discover the extraordinary impact of HBCU communities—a melting pot of brilliance and innovation that holds the key to closing the digital divide in profound ways. These vibrant communities are not just centers of academic excellence; they are catalysts for transformative change, serving as hubs for mission-driven tech development, expansive smart technology initiatives, and crucial opportunities for talent development.

At the intersection of impact and innovation, HBCU Cities play a pivotal role in shaping the future. Enter the realm of the HBCU Smart Cities Challenge, where we champion use cases for IoT technology that extend far beyond the conventional. From air quality management to water management, traffic optimization, smart parking solutions, and innovative smart waste management, the impact of HBCU Cities transcends boundaries.

By supporting this groundbreaking challenge, you're not merely investing in technology; you're investing in the future of HBCU communities—empowering them to lead the charge in harnessing the potential of smart cities. Join us on this transformative journey where innovation meets impact, and together, let's pave the way for a future where HBCU Cities stand at the forefront of technological excellence.