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Smart Cities 101: Starting with the Problem The Smart Cities 101

Starting with the Problem The Smart Cities 101 Town Hall discussed the process of how city stakeholders can develop actionable problem statements that leverage technology innovation to drive solutions.

This event equipped city stakeholders and HBCU leadership with a framework to craft problem statements. Also, highlighted the relationship between community researchers and municipalities.

Stephanie Broxton

Stephanie Broxton is the Community Research Manager within the Partnership for Inclusive Innovation. Within this role, she is responsible for advancing community research through meaningful engagement while utilizing the Georgia Smart Communities Challenge as a vehicle to improve the human condition.

Prior to this, she served as Project Manager for two major Health Resources and Services Administration Bureau of Health Workforce grants within the School of Nursing at Georgia Southern University. She has a Master of Public Administration from Georgia College, and an undergraduate degree in Nutrition and Food Science with a minor in Health Education and Promotion from Georgia Southern University.

A Georgia native, she is passionate about all aspects of public administration and is grateful to continue to serve communities across the state of Georgia.

October 4

Smart Cities Town hall: Transportation & Mobility